Light Jedi Order
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History of the Jedi, lesson 2

Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:10 pm by Scotland

History of Jedi Order, Lesson 2

Early history(continued.)

From the ashes of these wars arose the early Jedi, and their Jedi Forge initiation ceremony, which led to the eventual invention of lightsabers after they faced threats from beyond Tython.

Through the use of advanced off-world technology, the Jedi were able to "freeze" a laser beam, resulting in the birth of the …

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The Force...

Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:16 am by Saiana

The Force was a metaphysical, binding, and ubiquitous power that held enormous importance for both the Jedi and Sith monastic orders. The Force was viewed in many different aspects, including, but not limited to, the light side, the dark side, the Unifying Force, and the Living Force. The first two aspects were concerned with the moral compass of the Force in its various manifestations. The light …

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The Lightsaber

Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:48 pm by Saiana

"This was the formal weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster. More skill than simple sight was required for its use. An elegant weapon. It was a symbol as well. Anyone can use a blaster or a fusioncutter—but to use a lightsaber well was a mark of someone a cut above the ordinary."
―Obi-Wan Kenobi

Designed as much for elegance in combat as for ceremony, the …

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Post  Hurrikane Sat Sep 12, 2009 1:35 pm

Welcome my friend,

so you are interested to join our Order?

If so pls give us following informations so we can organize everything and find a suitable place for you in our order.

Contact informations: mail / messenger
Trained Padawans:
Force Powers: Dark- or Lightside?
How many years Experience?: (Character Years / Getvet)

A little information about your past and a little information about your Character for the RP side (biography) so we can now you a bit better.


May the force be with you.

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Post  Darril Sat Sep 12, 2009 2:35 pm

Name: Darril Lightninwalker
Level: 86 (at this current time)
Profession: Jedi
Guild: OIO
Faction: Rebel
Contact informations:
Trained Padawans: None
Force Powers: Lightside
How many years Experience?: 3 Years

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Post  LOGANS Sat Sep 12, 2009 4:04 pm

Profession: Jedi
Contact informations:
Social Network: LOGANS at
Spanish Forums: LOGANS at

Trained Padawans: Sempronio, Flonsito,
Force Powers: Dark- or Lightside? LIGHTSIDE
How many years Experience?: (Character Years / Getvet) 4

(biography) You should check my RP biography atLUQUE BIOGRAPHY

Last edited by LOGANS on Sat Sep 12, 2009 4:05 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : corrections)


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Post  Eukra Sat Sep 12, 2009 4:44 pm

Guild: Stars
Contact informations: mail / messenger
Trained padawans: n/a
Force power: unknown
How many years of experience?: (Character years / getvet)
Character Dec 2004 on Lowca. Galaxy transfer March 2009 to Farstar.

On Lowca pre-NGE I was part of the Team BOTA Guild where I regularly went on hunting expeditions with some of the Guild Jedi and ran a number of businesses with them. Post-NGE these activities have ceased as I am somewhat of a liability in ground combat now. However I retain my links to the Jedi within Stars and as an Ace Rebel Pilot fly with Jedi or any other Rebel pilots to combat the Empire (and hopefully gain me a gunship someday!) As such I act as a liaison with Jedi for the Rebellion from an objective perspective unclouded by midi-chlorians.


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Post  Valentyne Sat Sep 12, 2009 5:05 pm

Name: Valentyne VonKarsth
Level: 90
Profession: Jedi
Guild: OIO
Faction: Rebel
Contact informations: mail / messenger
Trained Padawans: Succesfully trained, or half trained (meaning they disappeared before finishing the training)?
Force Powers: Dark
How many years Experience?: 1675 getvet.

My past basically:

- Was an IMP pre-NGE with little game experience, I was more focusing on levelling when the big SOE changes arrived. I left the game when I saw all my action buttons changed and my Teras Kasi became so different that I disliked it.

- Came back and crossed the path of Sirius. I was then looking for some RP and looked after a Jedi Master. I've found his path and we RP our Padawan-Master journey. So entered Kotor, that later became RA and later became N-Rep.

- Due to the distance taken by the guild from RP, I moved out and tried to found a hidden Jedi guild with Qaz and Krystina. We got very low attention (Farstar RP was at its lowest I recall) and failed.

- I eventually saw I had more RP opportunities with the Imp side and joined IAAF (Imperial Auxiliary Armed Forces) with Ibrahim and Mik'di. At that period a new RP guild came out, IHC (Imperial High Command) by Taruk. Joined them and helped to develop RP (what i've been doing most of my time, trying to help, lol.)

- Eventually, after some problems organising some fun RP, I grew tired and decided to mainly focus on my own RL life (university's exams and stages).

- Came back less than 1 month ago and accepted Hurrikane's and Krystina's proposition to return back with them and have fun RP with them. So here I am.

RP biography very shortly:

Val is the daughter of an Imp colonel that sent her to an Imp training camp (trained Teras Kasi and Sword manipulation). After deciding this was not life, she decided to find a way to flee and crossed the path with Master Sirius, who showed her the Force path, letting her understand she had hidden abilities (Force). She succesfully trained her as a Jedi Knight and, in due time, she entered RA's council as Jedi Master.
After beeing captured by the IAAF during an operation, she decided to hide her Force abilities but, due to nobody coming to rescue her, she slowly surrendered in the brain wash she had by Colonel-Commissar Ibrahim Gaunt and became his own personal agent. After some time and an Officer training, she joined the IHC as ISB Director, still maintaining her role within the IAAF. Tensions with the Executor Taruk forced her to go AWOL, before beeing found again wandering on Tatooine by Krystina, her old friend.
Now she is back with old friends, with the knowledge of the Force at the lowest stadium. She is under Master Sirius' training again.


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Post  acarsirkog Sun Sep 13, 2009 2:55 am

Name: Acar Sirkog
Level: 90
Profession: Elder Jedi
Guild: Zero Ravens
Faction: Rebel
Contact informations:
Trained Padawans: Can't remember names (maybe dead due to order 66)
Force Powers: Lightside
How many years Experience?: 2105

one of the Zero Ravens Guild founder
one of the Port Rielig - Dantooine Founder
Mayor of Port Rielig


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Post  Cash'Lu Sun Sep 13, 2009 6:11 am

Name: Cash'Lu
Level: 90
Profession: Jedi
Guild: NTC
Faction: Rebel/Neutral
Contact informations: mail / messenger
Trained Padawans: N/A
Force Powers: Dark- or Lightside? Both, mostly light with some dark powers, considered as a Grey Jedi
How many years Experience?: (/Getvet) 1426 (actually be here since late Pre-CU, but during a rather interesting crash on my first server, many badges were lost and /Getvet timer "halted")

RP Bio:- Not much is known about Cash'Lu. His memories span only a 5 year range. He does seem to have a certain knowledge of the workings of the Empire, and also hand to hand combat. At some point, he founded his own company, called NTC, which deals in mostly research of any kind. The knowledge of Imperial technolgy suggests that in his past the company may have actually been an R&D section under subsidy of the Empire.

After some time he decided he wanted out of such dealings, and became slightly sympatetic toward the rebel cause. From time to time, his company still does some research for the Empire, which, after all, is usually the highest bidder.

Not much is known about his force powers, and he doesn't use them often, mostly out of fear that the Imperials might get word, which might lead to his capture, torturing, and maybe even death.

His company aids in supplying resources to rebels, and also of smuggling items and people, which, thanks to slight use of his force powers, have till now proven to be successful.

As such, not having a formal guidance (or having one but not remembering), lead to the development of both sides of the force, and, with his restricted knowledge, considers himself to be a grey jedi.


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Post  Sasquatch92 Sun Sep 13, 2009 6:38 pm

Levle:62 (currently)
Guild:Defenders of Old (KOTNO)
Faction: Rebel
Contact (messenger is the same)
Trained Padawans:None
Force Powers: Almost complete with light jedi powers.
Years of Experience: Since 3-6-2009

Biograghy: I was there, I was there many years ago when the jedi council was a great safe haven for may jedi. At that time I was just a young padawan Learner. I once knew how amazing it was.

I was one of the very, very few wookies to actually be picked out to be taken to the jedi temple.

Now that has all changed... All that I once knew is gone. All those jedi, lost, with the dreaded sith taking their place.

Now it is up to me, one of the last of the jedi, to rebuild this great council. I know I cannot do this alone, so along with my newly found brothers in the guild of KOTNO we can rebuild what was once lost.

If you so desire to help me to rebuild the jedi council then talk to me so that you too can join our struggle.


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Post  Aquilan Mon Sep 14, 2009 4:10 pm

Name: Aquilan Stride
Level: 90
Profession: Jedi (LS)
Guild: InEx
Faction: Rebel
Contact informations: mail / messenger
Trained Padawans: n/a
Force Powers: Dark- or Lightside? Lightside
How many years Experience?: 4

Primarily a soldier, Aquilan aids the Rebellion to discover a way to rescue a friend. He has discovered his Force Powers at a late stage and is not advanced as he'd like to be. His use of the force has allowed him to become a swordsmaster though serving with independent security forces.
At the moment he serves as a scout for a rebel band gathering intelligence. He would rather be out of the war however.


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Post  eclipce Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:59 am

Name: Qaz Quel-Eclipce
Level: 90
Profession: Jedi
Guild: unguilded
Faction: Rebel
Contact information:
Trained Padawans: various, most recently Oasa Kifa.
Force Powers: 100% light
How many years Experience?: prox 2000 days (66months)

Started to play swg early 2004 enjoying all aspects of the game be it pvp, pve or rp. Been in various RP alliances/communities ranging from HARDCORE to very light during my years.

Creator and leader of of Mythos (Myth) a rebel guild wich had a very good run a few years before it more or less died a few months after the nge.

Before my last "gaming-vacation" i spent my time with KOTOR/RA/N-Rep before Saiana, Valentyne and I formed the Outlanders.

IC: -In short this is how you can describe Qaz and he' force abilities and standings-

Current: Freelance/Rebel Spec-Op agent
Officially resigned from the Rebel Alliance for unknown reasons and wiped he’s records in the process - he’s former rank as Commander has been revoked - Rumor has it that he is still in contact with the alliance by various means

Force: Qaz Quel-Eclipce consider himself on par with more schooled and classical Jedi Masters and have had various council and masters posts during he’s relative short time as a wielder of the force. What he lack in classical jedi academy teachings he excelles in other areas with history in the force and lightsaber combat as the main focus.

He once was a truly dedicated Master of the Teras Kasi arts and believed that he’s martial and spiritual training and approach towards the art would enhance he’s abilities and possibly come closer to the force which he one day did as the force suddenly surged within him like newer before. He’s dedication can be great and has lead to many of he’s achievements but this has also led him to be seen as obsessive and perhaps even passionate. He’s most notable skills regarding the various aspects of the force is by far general study of force history and lightsaber combat which he seems to be like meditation to him and as a result have adopted the Juyo form to balance he’s Soresu and he seems to take both forms to the extreme.

He don’t seem to be well versed in powers except from the more common ones and the ones he directly can use when studying knowledge and history regarding the force and studying lightsaber combat – though he has shown a few more obscure powers..

He sees himself as a Sentinel (much because of he’s background within the Rebel Alliance ) and he’s padawans must have that type of mind-set before he even will consider taking anyone under he’s wings. He has also been “classified” as a grey jedi by he’s fellow jedi and have been approached to be master to unindentified jedi students knowing about this but they all seem to have been rejected for unknown reasons.


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Post  jakas- Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:52 am

Name:jakas- yatacus
Contact informations: mail me here please
Trained Padawans:2 - retired
Force Powers:Lightside
How many years Experience?: 4 1/2 years (on infinty)

I used to be great at jedi pvp, and pve - proud to have solo'd hk many times on this toon and older one, and beaten many elder jedi on this toon in one on one duels.
created own guild and had many students (jedi) of whom i trained in pve and pvp using storyteller vendor items.

Was involved in organising a similar council on infinty some years ago but infinity's number dwelled and so i had to create my training school, which was very popular until i left game.
back after 2 years i am just trying to catch up wiv tha rest of ya!

Jakas- bio:
jedi knight

jakas a light jedi, trained under master Eck'art of the small secretive jedi council of valour and twin brother to jereck a notorious criminal, and follower of the sith teachings. Jakas- has alway put his energies into aiding others and has seen the rebel alliance as an honerable fight, usually acting covertly in the rebel war effort he rarely engages in petty conflicts with the Empire. When his master past away jakas- was granted the rank of jedi knight and took on a padawan shortly after.
jakas- trained the padawan for 7 years but in a conflict with his brother, jereck slew his padawan and left jakas brutally injured.
Swearing to never again let Jereck hurt another being, Jakas- left his jedi order behind and travelled to mustafar to confront Jereck and end his reign of terror, after a very lonng fight jakas- disarmed jereck and in a small moment of anger he kicked jereck from the platform into the lava bellow. After a couple of years of reflection jakas- was visited by the ghost of his old master and so he vowed to never let the anger cloud his judgement again.
He is now seeking other jedi to repay for his sinful act against his brother.


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Post  Ashaco Sun Sep 20, 2009 3:04 pm

Name: Ashaco Llausa
Level: 90
Proffession: Jedi
Guild: TJO ( The Jedi Order )
Contact Information: *Will Not be Displayed Publically*
Trained Padawans: 1
Force Powers: Light Side
How Many Years Experience: Became Level 90 in Feburary 2008.


Ashaco was Born and Raise in a desert settlement of Force sensative individuals on Nar Shadar, He was Introduced into the Jedi Arts by Holograms retrieved from Coruscant, He was privately trained by Various Refugee Knights from around the Galaxy, He Learned of his Indifference, when a group of bandits attacked their settlement, and he accidently somehow constructed a force repulse, and the bandits were handled by the local police. When he turned 17, an Imperial Squadron attacked his Settlement, with reports of "Jedi Scum" in the area, Ashaco and 3 Others, Survived the Assault and fled to Tatooine, Where he took up a job as a Mercenary Travelling Between Naboo, Corellia, and Dantooine, where his skills as a Jedi Improved, he Recieved his Jedi Master cloak at a Shrine on Dantooine and Now Currently Keeps on the Move on Dantooine with other Fellow Jedi.


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Post  Sirius Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:12 am

Name: Sirius'
Level: 90
Proffession: Jedi
Guild: Ordos Illumino (OIO)
Faction: Rebel
Contact info: you can pm me here
Trained Padawans: Valentyne, Esroahelor, Nariya, Jovan (he was also trained by Koldur)
Force Powers: The reality is that there is only the Force. It is above such petty concepts as positive and negative, black and white, good and evil. (using the Darkside path)
Years of Experience: Getvet: 2211 days


Sirius was born 33 BBY and found by a Jedi Knight on Coruscant at an Age of 2. His parents were rich businessmen and they always knew that Sirius was different than other kids. Since his parents never had the time to take care of their child, they allowed this strange Jedi to take Sirius with him. That way he was among people who are just like Sirius furthermore their child could enjoy a good education.

The Clone Wars began 22 BBY , Sirius was 10 years old back then. He got a Master assigned, only little is known about him, who took Sirius with him on some misisons together with a Squad of Clonetroopers. These missions were not as dangerous ones as the ones other Jedi got assigned.

That way Sirius spend alot of time with these Clonetroopers. They taught him the ways of battle and everything they knew about combat. Since they changed their names nobody knows what happen to them.

In 19 BBY, at the time when the war ended and his Master heard about Order 66 they came back to Coruscant to see what happened there. The Clone Squad who was with Sirius and his Master did not execute Order 66, after all the Years with the Jedi they knew it cant be true.Eventhough he told Sirius to stay on the ship together with the Clones, Sirius did not follow his Order and sneaked also in the Temple. He wanted to help his Master.
Back in the Temple his Master tried to rescue as many artifacts from the Temple as possible but he got discovered by the Troopers who were attacking the Temple. He gave Sirius the backpack with the items he collected and told him to leave while his Master was fighting his attackers.

Shortly after Sirius reached the ship he sensed a tremor in the Force, his Master died ...
The Leader of the Squad decided to desert from the GAR and take care of Sirius.

After 2 years in hiding and search for survivors Sirius tried to find his parents but all he found was a Datadisc dedicated to him where he got to know that his parents were accused of treason and got executed by the "Empire" but they made over their estate.

That way Sirius and his Mandalorian brothers were able to found a business ...


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Post  Sea-Monkeys Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:50 pm

Name: Sea-Monkeys
Level: 90
Profession: Trader
Guild: OIO
Faction: Rebel
Contact informations: mail / messenger
Trained Padawans:
Eclipse Apprentices
Solidsnnake, BSLonghorn, Xaos Kun, Raethe, LordJim, Ironfist, Triko, Darmian, Selenia, Warrib, Thomasxico, Elika, Avest, Sinnergy, Aefio, Warchild, Terian Kain, Harkonenov, CoolFool, Dewie, Covar, Drox, Icevot, Terailos, Vicktor, Zarthron, Arch'Rafael, Mag'Nuz, Galestorm, Dewon, El'Duche', Ebepp, Rosliss, Zafrin, DrewGamdaru, Tzusvossk, Jin'Shin, Shaaan, Agorb, Raleasia, Sicewa, Athog, Demios, Radz, Energy-Star

Europe-Farstar Apprentices I have taken
Armada Turos Skies, Lord-Longhorn, Lord Monoxide, Nebahab, Otss, Lord-Mrrr, Solace, Hyperion, Cain Vlock, Synge, Treexa, Htrad, Olief (to many to remember >.<)

Force Powers: Dark- or Lightside? Both
How many years Experience?: (Character Years / Getvet)
6 1/4 or so(2291)

This characters History is shrouded as were the files which have been erased from the rebellion and Imperial data terminals.


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Post  Chen-Jon Echuu Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:15 pm

Name:Chen-Jon Echuu
Profession:Jedi sinnce 4,5 years before Tera-kasi, pikeman, fencer
Contact informations: mail / messenger
Trained Padawans:
Force Powers: Dark- or Lightside? light
How many years Experience?: (Character Years / Getvet)6 years

Born on Tatoine 30 year's ago, i live with my father Arhyam pod-racer mecanist and my mother Anja entertainer. My Bro Qwan-Lee and me use to pilot pod, speeder.. and doing some race and other job for which paid.

And We used to have some talent for fighting, shooting, piloting... it s make our father not so happy.

One day i come bac to house, it s was all burning, father and mother were killed, Qwan disappear.... Some one hit me on head and i fall.

Later in desert, the man gave me his named: Asharad Hett, he was looking for Qwan and me for time ago....

He take me to tusken clan, where he lived since the end of clone wars....he learn me all what he know about Jedi and the force. He teach me so story of the old Jedi order...and some new rules he use when he finished my training he let me go alone.

"You have to go in you own Way my P.... you re not more padawan, my friend" he said me and let me go.

So i go and go around the galaxie looking for my brother.... I met some rebels combattant and i join them and since that i fight the empire and the sith every were they are....

I found my brother, in fact he found me he is bounty hunter, he try to catch me for the Hutt or Empire... i don't know... we fight against and finaly i won, but i couldn't kill him, i take it to our old home and make him slowly recory his memory...

Chen-Jon Echuu

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Post  prelate Tue Sep 29, 2009 1:16 am

Hello Zaala,

If u need any help completing the Reb TP send a tell.

Prelate Mobster


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Post  eidec Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:05 am

Name: Eidec Owatt
Level: 90
Profession: Jedi
Guild: Unity
Faction: Rebel
Contact informations: mail, i will give via PM
Trained Padawans: None
Force Powers: Dark- or Lightside? Lightside
How many years Experience?: /getvet = 835 Days

((I have no strong Roleplay background))
Eidec Owatt was born under a politician family on Naboo, and have learned much about Politics, but never really interested her.. Once the Clone Wars hit, her parrents was send to the Senate on Corrusant to discuss the matter, that was the last she ever saw of her parrents, but she was very young back, and was placed under protection by an Old man, that never identified him self.. He got a fairytale saying that he have tought many Jedi's the ways of the Force, even after Order 66 produced by the Emperor. But due to many of the Jedi's was trained when they were to old, they were falling to the Dark Side of the Force, and theirfore must be kept in prison. So in all secret a few Jedi's who even got trained by this strange old man, have placed him in Prison on the planet of Endor, on the north side of the forest. Thats all what Eidec have been told, and is now seeking to find piece and calm, and possible find a solution to this issue with her old mentor.


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Post  acarsirkog Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:50 am

prelate wrote:Hello Zaala,

If u need any help completing the Reb TP send a tell.

Prelate Mobster

I need this completed master!!!!! (i mean the new one)


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Post  acarsirkog Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:53 am



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